Making the Mold!


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10:30 AM – 4:30 PM

$120 ($80 + $50 Supply Fee)

Class Limit: 15 Students

Beginners welcome!

Dive into the imaginative world of practical effects with an intro to sculpting, molding and running pieces. Get
a sneak peek at techniques used by film industry makeup effects artists, as these skills can be used to produce
consistent pieces of art to share with your audience, or maybe create the very first stage of a Halloween makeup prosthetic! There can be so many uses for a mold like this!

We start with a quick sculpt of your very own small piece, think 3D fridge magnet or a mini picture frame. Though if sculpting is a bit too intimidating, you can pick from the provided pieces to get to know why they were sculpted that way. Once you have your proud little piece, you will then get to create a mold house around your piece, allowing for silicone rubber to be poured into. This mold will be an impression of all your hard work. A 3D snapshot that will last a long time. After a break to allow for the material to cure, we will clean and prep the mold to then pour in resin. Once that is cured we will then demold to show off the results and get it ready to take home for you to paint however you like!

About the Instructor:

Cate Carmichael is a professional Makeup Effects Artist actively working in the film industry since 2016 being driven by their love of movie magic and cosplay at a very young age. Starting Spiral FX in 2020, Cate brings a wealth of knowledge straight from the Vancouver film industry, having worked with some of the best artists and creature shops in Cananda. Whether you’re interested in the film industry, or eager to learn about these specific techniques, Cate will guide you through with their enthusiasm in an easy going and supportive environment.


Instagram: spiralfx_oddities

Facebook: Spiralfx

Instructor will supply: Oil based clay, silicone rubber, resin, and some general supplies

You bring:

  1. N95 particle mask, suitable art clothes, notebook, lunch, and drink

You will receive a 20% discount on all art supplies from your registration until the end of the class!

Artelier is located at 10045 81 Avenue NW (back alley entrance). The workshop space is one block south of The Paint Spot.

Making the Mold Intro to Mold Making Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta

Free Shipping on Orders over $150.00* (some exceptions, see Shipping Rates)

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