
Schmincke Horadam Pearl Watercolours

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Schmincke Horadam Aquarelle Special Edition Pearl Trio

Schmincke Horadam Aquarell presents this Special Edition set of 3 Pearl watercolours in half pans. This little trio is just like candy! While supplies last, get three beautiful pearlescent Horadam colors for an unbelievable price. These artist quality pearl colors show up vibrantly on white paper, yet appear light and pearly on dark papers.

Colours: Violet Pearl, Brown Pearl Reddish, Yellow Light Pearl.

schmincke horadam pearl

Colour Details:

Violet Pearl

  • Lightfastness: ***
  • Opacity: Semi-Opaque
  • Staining: Semi-Staining
  • Pigments: PV23 and Pearlescent Pigment
  • Format: Half Pan
  • Special Edition

Yellow Light Pearl

  • Lightfastness: ****
  • Opacity: Semi-Opaque
  • Staining: Semi-Staining
  • Pigments: PY3 and Pearlescent Pigment
  • Format: Half Pan
  • Special Edition

Brown Pearl Reddish

  • Lightfastness: ****
  • Opacity: Semi-Opaque
  • Staining: Semi-Staining
  • Pigments: PBr25 and Pearlescent Pigment
  • Format: Half Pan
  • Special Edition

horadam pearl

About Schmincke Horadam Watercolours:

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110 colours comprise the Schmincke HORADAM AQUARELL watercolour paint range. 69 colours feature with one pigment only, an ideal quality for professional painting, as well as for color mixing. The newer artists’ pigments have been researched and tested to comply with the highest quality standard regarding stability, fineness, re-solubility and lightfastness. To achieve these outstanding characteristics, Schmincke uses only the best raw materials. The entire color line is harmonious, balanced and complete.


  • Each color has its own individually optimized formula.
  • Highest lightfastness due to an extra-strict validation process
  • Fully reusable paint when dried on a palette means less waste and ease of use
  • Pan formula is the  same as tube formula for greater compatibility and ease of use
  • Perfect balance of gum arabic and ox gall make colours highly controllable even on soft watercolour paper
  • German made quality

No compromise in quality

Highest standards of artists pigments allow highest light fastness. The lightfastness rating notes whether a color is fugitive (fading) or lightfast (non-fading). It is a characteristic which depends, not only on the pigment itself, but also on the complete formula. Therefore, Schmincke does not only report the lightfastness of the pigment itself but tests the complete formula of each color in the Xenontest and/or on the roof of the Schmincke factory for a prolonged period. Colours are rated strictly according to a 5-star system, such intensive testing is vital. It is understood that no watercolour painting should be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time due to the usually fine and thin and thereby light-sensitive color application.

Especially selected Gum Arabic

The main ingredient of the watercolour binding medium is Kordofan Gum Arabic from the southern Sahara region. Like most natural products, this traditional watercolour binding medium differs from year to year. Therefore, Schmincke tests the Gum Arabic every time and selects only the best crop each year. This adds significant quality advantages. Other formula ingredients are selected equally carefully and are integrated in each formula to obtain a harmonious assortment, that can be easily picked up by the brush.

Ox gall – more than a wetting agent

An important criterion for the highest quality is the control of application without undissolved pigment or undesired cloud formations. The perfect flow of HORADAM AQUARELL watercolour is guaranteed by an optimal amount of ox gall. It is the decision of the artist, not of the color, where the application should flow moist in moist, or if the color should stay dry on the paper.

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