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Qor Watercolour Mediums


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Qor Watercolour Mediums

New Mediums Equal Creativity & Control. The concept of Qor Watercolors does not end with color. Like every product that comes from GOLDEN, the idea of equipping artists to realize their creative vision inspires their products. QoR Watercolour Mediums help extend and enhance the creative range and control of watercolors. Whether the objective is modulating colors through lifting with Lift Aid, extending colors to their most distant point with Watercolor Medium, or unleashing the flow of colors with Synthetic Ox Gall.

Qor Mediums (glass jars):

  • Qor Watercolor Medium (59 ml dropper bottle) is a general purpose medium used to increase the transparency and flow of watercolors. When Watercolor Medium is used in larger amounts it also increases the gloss and saturation of colors. Glossy sheen. A little goes a long way. Convenient dropper top.
  • Qor Lift Aid (118 ml) is a fluid medium for watercolor surfaces to improve the lifting of watercolors. Lift Aid may be applied to paper before painting or between washes. Watercolor is a wonderfully unpredictable medium – make your process just a little more smooth with this lift aid, which allows you more flexibility and control. Change your composition, remove unwanted spots of color or create negative space. Simply pre-apply this watercolor medium and discover the difference!
  • Qor Synthetic Ox Gall (59 ml dropper bottle) is a wetting agent that improves the flow of watercolors. 2 – 5 drops added to water makes paints easier to apply and blend when creating washes. Wetting paper with a mixture of water and Synthetic Ox Gall assists in creating clean, uniform washes and also improves wetting on hard sized papers. Animal friendly. A little goes a long way. Convenient dropper top.

Find QoR Watercolour Grounds for surface prep here.

Additional information

Qor Mediums

Lift Aid, Synthetic Ox Gall, Watercolour Medium

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