SGG043 Gouache Burnt Sienna Crimson


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SKU: 28179


Stoneground Paint Co. Gouache Burnt Sienna Crimson

Stoneground gouache is a water-based paint that dries to an opaque, matte finish. These gouache paints are easily mixed with one another and can also be used together with Stoneground watercolour paint. A beautiful warm, dark earth, Burnt Sienna Crimson Shade is an indispensable earth colour that is useful in a wide variety of subject matter. The crimson undertone in this pigment is wonderful for autumn foliage and grasses and is a favourite of many artists for use in landscapes.

Artists Notes: Combine Burnt Sienna Crimson and Ultramarine Blue for interesting darks useful for shadows. For a stunning vintage vibe, try a monochromatic painting with this beautiful warm earth colour.

Opacity: Semi-Opaque

Paint Makers Notes: The term Burnt Sienna is used to describe Raw Sienna pigments after they have been roasted (or calcined). This process changes the colours of Raw Sienna to the rusty red, orange, and warm browns noted in Burnt Sienna pigments.

Pigment Number: PBr 7

Pigment Type: Synthetic Inorganic

Composition: Calcined natural iron oxide

Toxicity: Non-Toxic

Size: Half Pan

Burnt Sienna Crimson

Stoneground Paint Co. creates its handmade gouache by combining the world’s finest pigments, as well as premium French chalk, with a binder made from water, gum arabic, and honey.

Traditional Colours

Traditional Gouache colours have been used by artists for hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of years.  These are primarily inorganic pigments such as iron oxides, green earths, as well as the popular umber and sienna pigments of the Renaissance. In some instances, they include the modern equivalent of a traditional pigment. For example, Titanium White, which replaces toxic Lead White in artist’s materials.

*images courtesy of Stoneground Paint Co.

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