
Speedball Speed Clean

Original price was: $15.95 – $22.95.Current price is: $12.76 – $18.36.

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Speedball Speed Clean

Keep your screens ready for the next screen printing project! This highly effective screen cleaner makes the removal of screen filler and screen cleaning a breeze.

An organized work area will make clean up easier. Here are some recommended procedures:

WATER SOLUBLE INKSUse warm water and a soft brush. These inks will remain water-soluble even after thorough drying.

FABRIC and ACRYLIC INKSWash IMMEDIATELY after the last print is pulled. Use warm water and a soft brush.

Should ink dry in the screen; spray with Speed Clean by Speedball® or a house hold window cleaner. Rub with a lint-free cloth. When ink is removed, was with a mix of warm water and dishwasher detergent using a soft brush. Rinse with warm water.

DRAWING FLUIDWash with cool water.

Apply to both sides of screen, scrub, then apply again. In just 3-5 minutes, screens come clean using hot water and a nylon brush.

Additional information

Size oz

16 oz, 32 oz

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