Rosa Gallery Oil Cadmium Orange 134


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Rosa Gallery Oil Paint Cadmium Orange #134

ROSA Fine Art Oil Paints аге made from both orga­nic and inorganic finely ground pigments. By combining carefully selected pigments with polymerized linseed oil, pure, bright colours with natural brilliance are created.

The selection of colours in ROSA paint is based оп classical art methodology. ROSA oil colours аге produced following traditional formulas. This ensures expected and desirable results when the paints are mixed.

The rich consistency of ROSA Fine Art Oil Paints is perfect for various painting techniques such as impasto palette-knife ог classical painting.


  • 45ml
  • 100 ml

Since 1996, Rosa has been a leading Ukrainian Manufacturer of professional Fine Art materials. ROSA paints are made to inspire artists of all levels to embody their creative conceptions. Combining time-honoured traditions with modern techniques and deep attention to detail results in products that satisfy the highest requirements of both professional artists and students alike.

Produced in Ukraine.

Developed in collaboration with Ukrainian artists.

Check out Rosa on Instagram.

Additional information

Size ml

100 ml, 45 ml

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