
Kozuke White (Sized) MM Japanese Paper 44g

Original price was: $5.95 – $105.00.Current price is: $4.76 – $84.00.

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Kozuke White, Sized Washi, 44 g

Kozuke White is a good quality, versatile and economical sized washi. It is perfect for a variety of uses including painting, drawing, and printmaking. Due to this paper’s sizing, it is suitable for water based wood block printing (mokuhanga) and watercolour. Made using a mix of kozo fiber and sulphite (wood pulp) and added sizing, Kozuke has a somewhat “western” feel. For people who are new to Japanese paper, these familiar qualities make it less intimidating. It is a quality paper, with an even surface and is an excellent choice for drawing with graphite, coloured pencil, and ink as well as for most printmaking techniques, especially relief printing. Also available in a roll.


*Will be rolled for shipping. May not qualify for free shipping due to size.


Bookbinding, Brush Painting, Collagraph, Engraving, Etching, Intaglio, Linocut, Lithography, Mokuhanga, Oil based Printmaking, Relief Print, Serigraph, Silkscreen, Stencil, Water based Wood Engraving and Marbling.

paper marbling on washikozuke sized washi intagliokozuke white relief print

Not what you’re looking for? Find the rest of our Washi papers here. You can also find a full selection of available Japanese Papers on the Japanese Paper Place website. We are able to special order any of their papers for you. Contact us for more information.

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Paper Sizes

25"x37", Roll 39.5" x 11yd

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