Art Toolkit Triad Template


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Art Toolkit Triad Template

Plot watercolor triads with ease with the Art Toolkit Triad Template.

See how to use this tool here


The Triad Template is a 3-inch circular aluminum protractor with six sections for plotting watercolor triads, co-designed by Lisa Spangler and Art Toolkit.

Two Tools in One

The Triad Template is two tools in one: a template with six sections to plot your primary and secondary colors and a circular protractor.

Triads can push your mixing skills and create unity in your paintings as colors relate throughout a composition. Studying triads also helps you to recognize subtle differences in color and develop a framework for exploring fundamental color mixing. Being thoughtful and deliberate in your studio can lead to more free and intuitive mixing in the field! Build your color intuition by playing with triads!


Plan watercolor triads with ease with the new Art Toolkit Triad Template! Using the small sections for primary colors and the larger sections for mixing secondary colors, this template helps to explore color mixes, creating unity in your paintings and bringing harmony to your watercolor mixes. In this video, Art Toolkit Founder Maria Coryell-Martin demonstrates how to use the Triad Template with a variety of triads.

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