Refine Interlocked Natural Bristle Filbert Brush Series 5400FB


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Refine Interlocked Natural Bristle Filbert Brush Series 5400FB

Long Handle. A striking range of sizes and shapes make Refine™ truly exciting!

Princeton Brush Company’s flagship line of interlocked bristle, Refine™, starts with premium quality Chungking bristle and adds the panache of hand-formed interlock construction. The natural taper and curve of the bristle is expertly arranged within the hair tuft to form crisp edges and resilient points. Interlocked brushes hold their form in heavy use while other non-interlocked bristle can look more deranged than arranged. The true bounty of Refine™ is in its shape and size offering. Unique shapes like short filberts , extreme egberts, and sharp angle shaders usually only appear in much more expensive European ranges. Likewise, large sizes like our size 24 flat can be found across the pond for 3 to 4 times our fair price.

Filbert, is basically a round shape which has been expertly crimped flat on one side. The brush may be used to create thick or thin marks. The edges of each stroke will be rounded compared to a flat or bright brush. Filberts are often preferred for portrait painting and high realism. Brush strokes are less obvious when the marks vary in size and shape.


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Brush Size Basic

10, 12, 16, 4, 6, 8

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