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da Vinci 1203K Red Sable Rigger Liner Brush


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da Vinci Series 1203K Red Sable Rigger Liner Brush (Extra Long) 

This extra-long, needle-point liner brush is made in Germany by da Vinci Brush Company. The 1203k rigger is made from selected Tobolsky-Kolinsky Red Sable hair, which holds lots of colour, yet comes to a very fine point.

Use this responsive brush to create long flowing lines, which may travel across an entire page. The marks will vary gracefully from thick to thin depending on the pressure applied with each stroke. It is ideal for achieving clear, precise script. For fine line or detail painting, steady your hand with an artist’s bridge or mahlstick to maintain control and line width.

Additional information

Brush Size Basic

0, 2, 4, 6, 8

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