
Golden GAC 200 Acrylic Polymer Medium

Original price was: $30.45 – $183.60.Current price is: $24.36 – $146.88.

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Golden GAC 200 Acrylic Polymer Medium

This acrylic medium promotes adhesion and paint film hardness. GAC 200 is the hardest and least flexible polymer medium offered by Golden Acrylic Colors. It is ideal for mixing with acrylic paint to increase film hardness, reduce dry film tack and to increase adhesion to many non-porous surfaces. Additionally, this medium will help acrylic paint stick to glass and resist scratching. This Acrylic Polymer medium dries to a clear, high gloss, finish.

Please note: GAC200 is not recommended for flexible supports.

Check out Golden’s blog about how to paint on glass with GAC200

Additional information

Size oz

16 oz, 32 oz, 8 oz, gallon

Size oz

16 oz, 32 oz, 8 oz, gallon

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