Street Art Contest During Art Walk

Registered aerosol artists will be spray painting on the fence of the construction site on Whyte Avenue between 106 St and 107 St (across from the Varscona Hotel) during the street art contest.

Street art contest during Art Walk poster

#SOUTHPARKONWHYTE #STREETARTCONTEST during the street art contest.

Please use the artists’ Instagram handles and the hashtags #southparkonwhyte and #yegartwalk. Share images of the art, artists, or selfies at the event.


Voting will run until Sunday, July 7 at 4 PM. Winners will be announced on July 7 at 5 PM.

This event is hosted and sponsored by  Southpark on Whyte and co-sponsored by The Paint Spot.  Prizes are 2 x $100 cash prizes plus all the publicity of Whyte Avenue exposure. The works will remain up as street animation and beautification.

You can find aerosol paint at The Paint Spot.


Kim Fjordbotten (August 2019) As the owner of The Paint Spot, Kim Fjordbotten is passionate about helping artists use materials and make art. She is available as a speaker and educator for teachers and art associations. The Paint Spot offers exhibitions, workshops, and beautiful art materials to inspire your creativity.

Notice you are not bombarded with advertising while sourcing this information. Please help us by purchasing your art supplies from The Paint Spot. We really appreciate your business and it means we can keep making educational posts for free.  Thank you.

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