Paint a Bouquet for Valentine’s Day!


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Paint a Bouquet for Valentine’s Day!

Let’s Explore Acrylic! WITH M. SALAYI


6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

$50 + Supply List

Class Limit: 15 Students

Any Skill Level – Youth or Adult

Instead of giving flowers this Valentine’s Day, why not give your loved ones a painting of flowers – they won’t go bad! Or better yet, why not spend an evening with someone special painting flowers! In this course, instructor M. Salayi will teach you his techniques for painting the subject of flowers. Sharing tips on composition, color mixing, and brushwork to help you create captivating works of art that capture the beauty of the natural world.

You will gain a solid understanding of painting with acrylics and how to use them to create a beautiful arrangement of flowers. With practice, you will discover the versatility of acrylic paint and its ability to create depth by using colour and hue.

About the Instructor:

Professional landscape and portrait painter from Canada, residing in Edmonton, Alberta. Art has been a part of his life since his early childhood. His work has been represented in several galleries in Canada such as: Westmount Gallery in Toronto, Eldon Gallery in Kitchener Waterloo & the gallery on main in Lacombe Alberta. His paintings and portraits are collected throughout Canada and abroad. Multi medium painter, he composes his art with oil colors, acrylics, gouache & casein. He has taught in many areas, such as: Northgate Lions Seniors Recreation Centre, Central Lions Senior Association, City Arts Centre in Alberta, Wellington Centre for Continuing Education in Guelph Ontario, and Waterloo Arts Community Centre in Ontario. He is a member of the California Art Club and the Visual Artists of St Albert.

To see more of M. Salayi’s work, check out his Website and Instagram:


Instagram: @salayiarts

Check out more classes with M. Salayi!

Suggested Supplies:

1.    Acrylic paints: white, black, yellow, yellow ochre, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue, red, crimson red
2.    Canvas 12 x 16”
3.    Acrylic brushes: Filbert #4 & #6, Flat #4, Round #2
4.    Pencil & sharpener
5.    Palette for mixing colours (home ceramic dish works well)
6.    Suitable art clothes, hand towel, notebook, snack, drink, and your own PPE (mask, hand sanitizer)

You will receive a 20% discount on all art supplies from your registration until the end of the class!

Artelier is located at 10045 81 Avenue NW, Edmonton, Alberta (back alley entrance). The workshop space is one block south of The Paint Spot.

Paint a Bouquet for Valentine’s Day Acrylic Workshop, Edmonton, Alberta

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